2.9 Iterators and Generators in JavaScript

Iterators and generators introduce a powerful paradigm for iteration in JavaScript

Iterators and Generators in JavaScript

Iterators and generators change the way we handle iteration and data generation in JavaScript. Here we will explore the concepts of iterators and generators, their syntax, benefits, and how they can be utilized to manage sequences of data more efficiently.

Understanding Iterators

An iterator is an object that enables programmers to traverse through all the elements of a collection, one element at a time. In JavaScript, an iterator is an object that implements the Iterator protocol by having a next() method that returns an object with two properties: value, which is the next value in the sequence, and done, which is a boolean indicating whether the end of the sequence has been reached.

The Iterator Protocol

The iterator protocol defines a standard way to produce a sequence of values (either finite or infinite). The protocol specifies that an object becomes an iterator when it implements a next() method that returns an object with at least the done and value properties.

function makeRangeIterator(start = 0, end = Infinity, step = 1) {
    let nextIndex = start;
    let iterationCount = 0;

    const rangeIterator = {
        next: function() {
            let result;
            if (nextIndex < end) {
                result = { value: nextIndex, done: false };
                nextIndex += step;
                return result;
            return { value: iterationCount, done: true };
    return rangeIterator;

const it = makeRangeIterator(1, 10, 2);

let result = it.next();
while (!result.done) {
 console.log(result.value); // 1, 3, 5, 7, 9
 result = it.next();
console.log("Iterated over sequence of size: ", result.value); // 5

Generators: A Higher-Level Abstraction

Generators simplify iterator creation through a function syntax that automatically implements the iterator protocol. A generator function is declared with the function* syntax and uses the yield keyword to yield the sequence of values.

Generator Functions

When called, generator functions do not execute their code. Instead, they return a special type of iterator, called a generator. When the generator's next() method is called, the generator function's body is executed until the first yield expression, which specifies the value to be returned from the iterator or, with yield*, delegates to another generator function.

function* idGenerator() {
    let id = 1;
    while (true) {
        yield id++;

const gen = idGenerator();

console.log(gen.next().value); // 1
console.log(gen.next().value); // 2
console.log(gen.next().value); // 3

Using Generators for Iteration

Generators can be used directly in for-of loops, making them powerful tools for iterating over custom data structures.

function* makeRangeIterator(start = 0, end = 100, step = 1) {
    for (let i = start; i < end; i += step) {
        yield i;

for (let value of makeRangeIterator(1, 5)) {
    console.log(value); // 1, 2, 3, 4

Practical Applications

  • Asynchronous Programming: Generators can be used to simplify asynchronous code, making it more readable and easier to understand.
  • Implementing Custom Iterators: Both iterators and generators offer a way to implement custom iterable objects, useful for data structures that are not natively supported by JavaScript.
  • Efficient Data Processing: They allow for efficient processing of large datasets by processing items one at a time, rather than loading the entire dataset into memory.

By understanding and leveraging these features, developers can handle sequences of data more effectively, implement custom iterable objects, and improve data processing capabilities in their applications. As JavaScript continues to evolve, mastering these concepts will remain an essential skill for modern web development.

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